Monday, November 13, 2017

2016: December- CHRISTMAS!

Around this time of year, we all go a little crazy. Crazy with the Christmas spirit! At our house, we love the holiday season.

Here's our little elf getting his first Christmas present. A glo-worm for Christmas!

He also discovered the joys of playing in the baby jumper.

And took up tap dancing. Eat your heart out, Gene Kelly.

The kids had fun at the ward Christmas party. They gave Santa a run for his money.

We even got a decent family picture this year.

Here's a time-honored tradition in the Alleman house: sugar cookies! The kids always enjoy decorating their own.

Here's Eric's creation.

And Robert's.

And Beth.

We also made gingerbread (more like graham cracker) houses this year.

Here's the family gearing up for the big night.

The kids set out (and snitched from) Santa's cookies and milk.

Here's the lineup photo from Christmas morning. What a crew! 
(Notice how Beth had to pin Robert to keep him from charging up the stairs.They're both still smiling, though!)

This was our little St. Nick's first Christmas. He sure had fun!

Here's the crew coming upstairs to see the Christmas haul.

For Christmas, we received a game called Watch Ya Mouth. You stick this apparatus in your mouth and try to say this really tricky phrase, and everyone has to guess what you're saying. Here I am trying it out.

Here's the family posing with their Watch Ya Mouth pieces. 
(Notice Beth hiding hers.)

Merry Christmas to all!

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