Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Crazy Curlers!

I'm not a huge girly-girl, but, Beth loves new hairdos and painting her fingernails. And I admit, I do get a kick out of dressing her up. Thank goodness my sister is watching out for me. She told us about this fun way to curl hair.

So, without further ado . . . presenting Bouncy Curls Beth! Complete with Party Dress and other accessories!

Barbie, eat your heart out.

Here's a rear shot. Now, guess how she got these adorable curls!

Socks! Take four regular socks, tie them in knots, let them sit overnight, and voila! Curls galore.

Here's Beth from the night before.

And another rear shot for a better look at the curls.

Maybe I will get the hang of this someday. If you want some other fun hair-do ideas, we like this site: http://www.cutegirlshairstyles.com/

Monday, February 13, 2012

A Couple Pics From Today

Robert is enjoying tummy time and is starting to smile for the camera.
This was Eric's way of telling me to please not take any more pictures. Subtle, isn't it?
Another view of Beth showcasing her amazing style. (Along with her pet Zebra named Sunshine.)
Did I mention that he is now smiling for the camera?