We had a wonderful time this Fourth. Kacey and her boyfriend Tyler came down from Idaho to visit us. We spent some time over at the park on the third. Tyler played his bagpipes for us. I have never seen any up close before and it was cool to hear!

It was really nice to have some time to talk and just relax. Beth and Eric followed Kacey around all weekend.

We did our family fireworks on the night of the 3rd so that we could have them with Zach, Alison, Kacey and Tyler (they were all taking off for the 4th). Eric clapped and cheered for each explosion while Beth struggled to get down and go touch them.
On the morning of the 4th we headed over to the Brewers for a huge breakfast. The food was good and the company better. We got to spend time with extended family we don't see very often. Here is Kacey, Tyler and Ryan.

Zach showing Beth some of the family pictures.

While all the adults were upstairs the kids retreated downstairs to play in the basement. Here is Eric with some of the cousins' kids.

Grammy and Beth playing together.

After going home and getting some things done, we went over to the Allemans for a big BBQ and games. Again it was great to see everyone and I was very sorry that I forgot my camera. It was a really fun day. Happy birthday to our wonderful nation. God bless you forever.
Utah is so much fun for the 4th, wish we could've been there to do fireworks. Something about Texas and fireworks and fire don't mix well. We watched the fireworks, but it's not the same as setting your own off. Glad you all had so much fun! We would love to hear Tyler play bagpipes sometime!
I enjoyed these pictures of Tyler and Kacey and the picture of Grammy and Beth is so sweet. We're glad that you had such a fun (but busy) 4th of July.
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