Saturday, June 24, 2017

2016: The Year That Flew By - April

April was a special month. Beth was baptized, we started cleaning and moving into the new hours, and the older two kids participated in the ward talent show.

Beth's Baptism

We were so grateful to all our family and friends who traveled so far to be with us on this special day. Beth practically glowed all day. Here are some highlights:

The proud parents with the baptism girl.

The whole gang after the baptism.

Ward Talent Show

Our ward holds a yearly talent show and silent auction fundraiser to help raise money for the girls and Scout camps. Eric and Beth both wanted to participate the year before, but we didn't have time to put anything together then. So we promised them this year, we'd make sure they were prepared. Here's what we had:

Eric told jokes. He collected his favorites, practiced his timing, and did his best not to laugh.

Beth lip-synched to Adele's Skyfall, with a little tweak at the end.

2016: The Year That Flew By - March

March was a magical month for many of us, Beth especially. It was her birthday, and she's very excited for her baptism in April. Here are a few highlights:

Birthday with Friends

For her party, she was much-loved by friends and family. Mary came and brought Maggie, Anson, and Tommy, and Beth also invited her good friends Alex and Rory.

A good time was had by all.

Beth was also very taken with her big present: a brand new bike. This was her first bike without training wheels, and she took to it very quickly.

And, as dictated by ancient Alleman tradition, she had to wear the Birthday Hat.

Easter Fun

We also had a fun Easter, with the kids chasing clues left by the Easter Bunny, who had been detained by some scurvy pirates.

Party at Uncle Von's

We also had a fantastic Alleman family get-together at my Uncle Von's place in Springville.

Beth likes the swing.

The boys prefer the trampoline.

And here's Cassie looking cute, and getting close to her due date with Alleman baby boy number three.

Perfect Kite Weather

The weather also turned nice enough for the kids to fly their kites.

Moving to a New Place

This was also the month we decided to move. My Grandma Brewer - Grammy to us - moved to an assisted living center, and my folks wanted to buy her old place. They asked Cassie and me if we'd mind looking after it, and we were more than thrilled. It was closer to my work, had more room for baby, and was in a great location near the library and the City Center and Scera parks.

Naturally, we miss our old neighborhood very much. We lived there for twelve years, and it was very nice home while our family was starting out.

Here are a few shots of the new place.

We are enjoying the new house very much. It's a lovely home, well cared for by my grandparents. There are many memories here of fun Sunday dinners with the Brewer side, family reunions, and it was also where Cassie had our first date.

We are very much enjoying our new neighbors, who were very kind a few months later when we needed help moving in, and with the new baby.