Here's our family photo for Easter. Believe it or not, this is the picture where the kids are "most" looking at the camera.

Eric has been doing some great Lego creations. Here are some of my favorites.
(Yes, that is Thomas inside his own personal space ship.)
One thing I love about Eric is his wholehearted laugh. This is enough to make anyone laugh.
Robert really enjoys food. Can you tell? (I have no idea where he gets it from . . .)
Happy Boy.
Here we have our local superheroes, complete with Crayola body markings and aggressive fight-stances.
It makes a father proud to see his children following in his footsteps.
We also had a birthday in the house and tried to spread the celebration out to last as long as possible. Ryan and I had an amazing day out with friends up in Rock Canyon for a BBQ and games on Sunday (and to watch the eclipse), then on Monday we went out to see the new Avengers movie, followed by a night of phone calls, steak, ice cream and cake. We love you Daddy!
What birthday would be complete without a Muppet movie. (That really depends on who you ask in this house.)
We have also discovered that celery is the best soother for teething. Just ask Robert.
We had a great visit from Kacey, Tyler, and little Leah. Here are the cousins showing off their matching clothes. (Poor Leah had to sport some of Robert's stuff while hers was in the wash.) We had a great time and the kids are already asking when Uncle Tyler and Aunt Kacey can come again.
Brother, sister, and cousins. All good looking.
So that is a quick sum up of the past few months. Yay for me! (It only took 3 months.)