Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Many Faces of Beth

What do you do with a daughter who loves to have her picture taken? Who loves to make people laugh by being outrageous? You dedicate a post to her! We love you Beth!

Today we took the kids to the dentist to get their teeth cleaned. Before we left, we asked Beth if she was ready for the dentist to count her teeth. Beth's response: "Only if he's not STINKY or anything!"

Eric went to a superhero-themed birthday party and they handed out the neatest hand-made superhero capes for all the kids. Beth was as thrilled about it as Eric. Luckily he's a good sport and lets her have turns with it whenever she wants.

Our Super Hero!The next few are all from bowling on Eric's birthday.

Coy and cute.
Some of her many faces, all seen on a daily basis. She's like the seven dwarfs in one: happy, sweetie, pouty, moody, sassy, grumpy, and bossy.

I don't know where to start with this one. I really don't. So add your own caption.

This is her explanation for her getup:

Saturday, September 3, 2011

"You had a Birthday! Shout Hurray!"

Sorry this is so late. We've had family in town for the past three weeks and thoroughly enjoyed having them. We'll feature highlights from the visits in the next few posts. But today we're focusing on our Eric!

Eric started out his birthday with a combination of family traditions. For the birthday breakfast, the Allemans usually put a candle in a waffle. My dad likes Captain Crunch for his birthday breakfast. Put them together and . . .

Here's the Birthday Boy. Crunch Berries rule!

Ryan took off half the day so we could all go bowling up on campus. I won't share our pitiful scores with you. But the kids had a blast.

Eric showing off his "slipping shoes."

The kid's lounging on Ryan after a long-fought game (which I WON!)

Eric's Birthday cake. Guess who was headlining. (The writing on the cake was supposed to be red, not pink. I do the best I can.)

Eric's not a cake-and-ice-cream kid. Here's what was left of his plate. I don't take it personally (at least not this year).

Here are the cupcakes from his friend party. If you notice, there are mini-trains made from marshmallows and chocolate chips on EACH AND EVERY train. The things we do to make birthdays special for our kids.

Here are Eric's friends eating said cupcakes with helpings of ice cream.

Cue the Birthday song! We love you, Eric!