Because I have not been fulfilling my responsibilities as "poster of pictures for Grandparents," I will attempt to rectify this by overloading you with pictures and video clips. So this post is for the whole month of August.
We had some fun evenings with the kids "playing ball." This would consist of rolling the ball back and forth (we don't throw it in the house anymore because Beth has one heck of an arm) until Beth runs and tackles Ryan. Then Eric does his best to pull her off of him the whole time they are all laughing hysterically.
Here is Eric.

Beth mid-tackle.

Here is a video clip of the process.
This month Ryan graduated with a Master of Fine Arts. We had some of his family come up. It was too bad that the day before they got here I took the kids to the pool. We had a lot of fun, but Eric and I came away with a nasty sunburn.
Here is Eric the morning after being comforted in his misery. Doesn't he look bright and perky?

Beth had a great time pestering Grandpa over and over again. Here is a video clip of one of her favorite things to do with him.
Before the graduation (oh, by the way, graduation pictures will follow) we went to campus to feed the ducks. Here is Aunt Megan and the kids on our way out the door.

We all had a great time watching Eric ping the ducks in the head with his bread and Beth giving them only every other bite. "One for them, one for me, one for them..." We don't feed the ducks moldy bread anymore because of this habit.

There were some very cute baby ducks.

And of course no trip to BYU is complete without a dip in the packing peanuts at Daddy's work. This functions like a play-pin when we visit Daddy.

I didn't finish all the pictures from August but this is a step in the right direction. The last one I will post is one of the kids before Church on Sunday. Beth vacillates between worshipful adoration for her brother and attempting to make his head explode in sheer frustration. While sometimes loud, it is fun to watch.

Till next time...