Thursday, December 17, 2009

Random Christmas-ness

This is just a post of lots of pictures and a few movie clips.

I came home from shopping a while ago and Beth quickly grabbed my purse, gloves and hat. Ta-da!

Do ya like? Eric was very concerned that because we didn't have a fire place, Santa would not be able to get in the house. This was our solution.
At our ward Christmas party we had Santa come to visit. This is Eric waiting in line. No, I don't think he can get any closer to the kid in front of him.
When he met Santa, Eric was totally: overcome...
... and over-joyed...
... and speechless!
It was fun.
Of course, he cried for almost an hour that night. He insisted that he was on the "naughty list." You see, Santa had come to town and not stopped at our house. He was completely distraught! I think we were able to convince him, at last, that this was just a quick visit for Santa and not the actual Christmas visit.

This is a little clip of the kids and Ryan playing with their favorite Christmas ornament.

This clip is Eric showing what he has learned from our nightly stories. This is one of his favorite.

Monday, December 7, 2009

First Snow

I realized today that it really doesn't take that long to post a few pictures. Sorry it's been so long between posts.

Here are a few pictures of our first big snow fall. Beth was thrilled until she took one step into the snow and face planted. She was very "un-trusting" of all the white stuff for about 10 minutes after that, but soon her curiosity won out.

Eric needed no reintroduction and wasted no time. He loves the snow and would live outside if we let him.

"Ryan, you had better NOT if you know what's good for you!"We finally got a Christmas wreath. Ta-da!

If you look close under the tree you can see one of my favorite presents and one of Eric's favorite spots to play.Waiting for Daddy to come home.

Love of anything Christmas.

Friday, December 4, 2009

By the way...

...the dress is for Ryan's sister's wedding in December.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Dress is DONE

I didn't know if this day would come, but it has. Oh, happy day! The dress is done.