Two weeks ago we drove out to see Mary and Sam out in beautiful Ruby Valley, NV. Mary had the perfect picture on her blog to describe the valley where she lives.
Home sweet home.
I don’t know why it didn’t dawn on me that if it was supposed to snow here in Provo we would also be getting some cold weather in Nevada. Duh, I know. We had plans to ride horses and tractors, to see the cows and play with their puppy Alice. But when the snow hit the first night it killed all my plans. Actually, I wasn’t totally opposed to the snow; it was the temperature of 2º that I had issues with. Yes, it got down to two degrees in the night and only a little better during the day.
Well, we still had a great visit, we just spent more time inside then planned. But it worked because Sam and Mary have a Wii. Here is Ryan not wanting to be interrupted from his game.
Beth and Eric also loved playing with the Wii. Beth was entranced on many occasions.
However, despite the fun of video games, the highlight of the trip for Eric was Alice. He absolutely adores her! He would have slept next to her if we had let him.
While Beth gets thrilled out of her mind looking at pictures of dogs, or seeing them from a distance, she is so scared of them in real life. She did warm up to the point where she would touch Alice, but it was never a "comfortable" relationship.
I'm grateful for Sam and Mary opening up their home to be overrun with kids and guests. We had a great time, thanks guys!

I don’t know why it didn’t dawn on me that if it was supposed to snow here in Provo we would also be getting some cold weather in Nevada. Duh, I know. We had plans to ride horses and tractors, to see the cows and play with their puppy Alice. But when the snow hit the first night it killed all my plans. Actually, I wasn’t totally opposed to the snow; it was the temperature of 2º that I had issues with. Yes, it got down to two degrees in the night and only a little better during the day.
Well, we still had a great visit, we just spent more time inside then planned. But it worked because Sam and Mary have a Wii. Here is Ryan not wanting to be interrupted from his game.

I'm grateful for Sam and Mary opening up their home to be overrun with kids and guests. We had a great time, thanks guys!