Tonight I am very, very thankful for guardian angels. I also realize and am thankful for all the times Eric and Beth are kept from harm even when I'm oblivious to the danger.
After tucking the kids into bed, Ryan and I went downstairs to clean the kitchen. A while later, we heard choking and Eric crying, and we raced up the stairs. Turns out Eric had removed a bolt from the standing fan in his room, swallowed it, choked, and threw it up along with some of dinner. He's fine, but it shook him up pretty bad. I thought he was past the "put-everything-in-my-mouth" stage, but I stand corrected.
I know I can't intercept every threat to my kids. That's why I'm so grateful for those guardian angels who tend their charges so diligently.
Behold, my reasons for being a "hover-mother."
We bought new winter pajamas for the kiddos. It's still pretty warm out, but we're supposed to get a major cold front through tonight. We're going from mid-80's to the 50's. The kids love'em, especially Eric. He wears his on and off throughout the day.
6 years ago