We had a great chance on Memorial Day weekend to take Eric up to the HeberValley Railroad to ride on Thomas the Tank Engine. Eric LOVES Thomas! The passenger cars that we rode on were built and first used in 1912. (They didn't smell that bad for being 96 years old.) We drove up to Heber and spent the morning walking around the train yard. They had all kinds of "Thomas themed" games for the kids to play and a petting zoo. Eric was entranced the whole day, that is, until it was time to go home. Then he had a mammoth meltdown. The good thing was that every family up there had a little boy about the same age that melted down at one time or another. 

Getting ready to have his picture taken with Thomas.
This was the mammoth meltdown. I had to snap a picture for memories sake. I sure do wish that you could reason with a 2 year old. He is so big!
Beth spent the whole time sleeping in the snugly and gave us no problems at all.

Our wonderful little guy.