Friday, November 28, 2008


This is the peanut bin at Ryan's work that Eric uses as his personal "ball-pit."

These kids are so cute in their diapers that I couldn't resist taking some pictures.
Hugs from Eric are one of Beth's favorite things.
So happy together.
See! Her hair is long enough for a pony tail! Too bad that it looks like an antenna.
My ball.
Beth can now get to most of the things that she wants.
Forget the trains, this one flies! (At least, the plane was able to divert Eric's attention momentarily from his ongoing and persistent obsession with trains).

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Our sick little guy sleeping the flu out.

While Eric was sick with the flu he spent most of his time watching Thomas and sleeping on the couch. He has been better since Sunday but yesterday he wanted to watch Thomas really bad and I wouldn’t let him. After whining didn’t get him what he wanted he went and found the thermometer and brought it to me, said “owey,” stuck it in his arm pit and said: “I need to lay down and watch Thomas.”

Beth is officially crawling! She has been able to get around fairly well just scooting and rolling. She has been up on her hands and knees for a while and she can get to a sitting position when she has been on her tummy. But the day before yesterday she officially started scooting her knees forward and lifting her hands. She doesn’t go that far yet but she is getting into everything! I forgot how good Eric was about not eating stuff he finds on the floor. Here we go again.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Crazy 8s

Aunt Judy tagged me so here I go...

Crazy 8s
8 TV shows I like:
1. House Hunters
2. Gilmore Girls3. Iron Chef American
4. Thomas the Tank (if Eric has anything to say about it)
5. Heroes
6. The Office
7. Home improvement shows, I don’t know all the names
8. Fox News (if Ryan has anything to say about it)

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Olive Garden
2. Sizzler
3. Cracker Barrel (I haven’t been there for 6 or 7 years)
4. Denny’s
5. Kneaders (this should be #1)
6. We don’t go out that much.

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Lots of laundry
2. Changed lots of diapers
3. Cleaned up throw-up (We all have the flu and Eric can’t control when or where it happens)
4. Changed the sheets twice (Eric’s fault)
5. Slept
6. Tortured ourselves with daytime television
7. Comforted Ryan after Eric “christened” him Exorcist style
8. Read

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:
1. Thanksgiving with my parents and Mary and Sam
2. Christmas with the Allemans
3. Having Eric potty trained
4. Having Beth potty trained
5. Getting over the flu
6. Getting the car paid off
7. Giving our parents the new family pictures we just had taken (they can’t see them till Christmas)
8. Fitting into all my “pre-Beth” clothes again

8 Things I Love About THIS Fall:
1. I didn’t see much fall this year
2. How Eric and Beth are interacting more and more
3. Having the holidays fast approaching
4. Seeing Eric get more and more excited about Christmas
5. How beautiful the mountains and trees and everything outside are
6. BBQ’s, I just love food
7.The more rain storms we’re getting
8.The colder weather

8 Things On My Wish List:
1. A big white board
2. New Sunday boots
3. New Sunday clothes (make that for every day of the week)
4. Figure out how to use Grocery Smarts
5. See our families more often
6. New furniture
7. More time to do projects
8. New books to read

I tag these 8 people:
Laura, Darlene, Alison, Ellen, Mary Ann, Elise, Rebecca, Jackie

Friday, November 14, 2008

Beth Update for Grandma

We were just talking to Grandma and we wanted her to be able to see some updated pictures. We love all the Grandparents that support us so much and don't get to see the grandkids much. Thanks so much, we love you guys!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ghoulish Glee on Halloween!

What a great Halloween! We had the best time. Sam and Mary drove down from Ruby Valley to spend the weekend with us, so we had a few extra arms to juggle the kids and take pictures on the special night.

The ghosts and goblins were out in force on Halloween. We got more tricker treaters Friday night than we have the entire time we've lived in the townhouse! We shoveled out candy until we were ready to hit the streets. Laura sent us this really cute pink leopard outfit for Beth, and we added whiskers just for fun.

Ryan's never been the pink kitty type for Halloween, but he had to admit Beth looked a lot cuter in this outfit than she did in Eric's old Darth Vader costume.
Eric had a ball. We used to go by family and show off his costume on Halloween, but this year he got to go trick or treating and took to it really fast! Except he'd say: "Tricker treat! In here!" and point inside his candy bucket, and he kept trying to barge inside people's houses instead of waiting on the doorstep.
The last few years, Eric either didn't react much to his costumes (Darth Vader and Incredi-Boy) or he outright didn't like'em (the tiger costume), but he was absolutely thrilled with his Thomas the Tank Engine outfit.

And here are our two jack-o-lanterns. We bought them the week before Halloween and almost didn't get them done in time. And carving pumpkins around a three-year-old can be very nerve-wracking! But we had such a wonderful time and hope you all did too!

And Ryan's Halloween reading went great! We had a real crowd there, and Ryan was able to read his short story within the allotted time frame. He must've practiced reading that story twenty times and had to trim so much out of it. He's glad to have it done, but it was an exciting experience.