Sunday, April 18, 2010

This Week

Sometimes we let Beth dress herself. She has . . . unique taste. Here's an example. She prefers her boots because she can put them on by herself, and she's liking skirts more and more. In this picture she's measuring how tall she is.
This is a cute one of Eric with a wood project I'm working on. We told Beth that Grandma and Grandpa were coming to visit. When she was done jumping around in circles with excitement she ran to the window and started calling for them. (See video below.) We're excited to see Grandpa, Grandma, Jason, Ellen, Gavin, Kacey and Tyler this weekend. Travel safe, everyone.

Here's what happens when Ryan gets a hold of the camera. He calls it "cinema verite," Eric calls it the "Running Video."

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Random Fun

The weather finally turned nice out. While it didn't last more then a few days, it was wonderful! This was a picnic we had out back. Of course, the umbrella was not enough to keep Beth from getting a terrible sunburn on her cheeks.
It did take me almost 20 minutes to convince her that she didn't need her coat.
Mary and Sam were out to visit this weekend and drove this beast in. The kids were thrilled with the "big red truck." We had a great weekend and were very sorry to see them go.
Eric has enjoyed getting letters in the mail from his pen-pals. (This is one way we encourage him to practice reading and writing.) I know this picture is out of focus but it was too fun not to post.
Eric's new guardian angel poster. He loves it!
I found him like this today. Why he needs to perch on the couch like that just to watch an hour glass run out is beyond me. Maybe I should get him out more.
Tonight when we had family night Eric started doing what he calls his "stretches." I don't know where he gets it from, but he was having fun.
And of course anything Eric does, Beth does too.

We also had Natalie and Laura with us over the weekend while Natalie prepared for her national exam--which she aced! Congrats, Natalie! I'm just sorry we forgot to break out the camera while they were here.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Because we did not have church on Easter morning we dressed up the week before. Eric liked looking handsome and Beth was all smiles and kept saying how pretty she was.
I asked Eric to give me his GQ pose.
Ryan asked Beth to look cute and this is what she did.
Then a week later on Easter, between Conference sessions, we had a small egg hunt at home. Beth loved the candy in the eggs but Eric tried some and then asked for raisins to be put in his. Eric and Beth also got their own picture Book of Mormon. Since then, Eric has LOVED reading the stories of the scriptures. His favorite right now is when Nephi builds the ship.
Both kids were thrilled with the chocolate bunnies. Eric took one bite and spent the rest of the time trying to put it back together.

Beth waisted no time with her bunny and somehow managed to eat the middle of the stomach first.
This is a random picture that has nothing to do with Easter but I really like it so I thought I would share. Zach and Alison came over last week and Eric and Zach were dressed alike. Very fun.
Beth showing off her Easter Dress.

Eric's turn.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Fun, Muppet Style

Ryan here.

For all the Muppet fans out there, I discovered these new videos circulating on Youtube and thought I'd spread the good news.

(Don't watch if you have a problem seeing cute little bunnies getting what they deserve).

And here's a little something from Christmas:

And Halloween:

For classical music lovers:

And for Queen fans: